Sunday, October 20, 2013

Math Centers

Students have the opportunity to receive hands-on practice of Math skills during Math Centers.  They do one center at a time and have about 15 minutes to work at that center.  I change out the centers once all students have been to each center.  We don't always have time to do Math Centers every day but when we do, the kids really enjoy it!
Students practice making designs and challenging each other to name the different shapes.

Students playing Crash. Crash is a game that have numbers 0-50 and number words 1-10.  Students pick a card and if they say the right number, they keep it.  If they don't, it goes back in the pot.  If a student takes out a CRASH card, he/she has to put all of his/her cards back in the pot.

Students "going fishing" for numbers.

Matching Coin Game--Students roll the die and have to find the coin that matches and place it on the mat.

iPads--Students are practicing patterns but I change the games according to skills we are currently working on.

Students are sorting, creating patterns, or creating symmetrical designs.

Students "going fishing" for numbers.

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